MA351, Elementary Linear Algebra
Instructor : Rongjie Lai.
Lectures : Section 129, MWF: 11:30-12:20pm, Helen B. Schleman Hall 313
Section 131, MWF: 9:30-10:20am, Hampton Hall of Civil Engnrng 2101
Office : MATH 414
Office Hours: Wed 2:30-4:30pm (or by appointment)
Email: lairj at purdue dot edu
NO CLASSES on Jan 15 (MLK day) and March 11-16 (Spring break).
Tentative in-class midterm exam dates: Feb 14 (Midterm I) and March 27 (Midterm II).
Course Information:
Textbook: Introduction to Linear Algebra, Sixth Edition (2023) by Gilbert Strang.
This is an introductory course focusing on intuition and concepts without requiring rigorous proof. If you have taken a linear algebra course before and you are seeking a course with emphasis on proof and rigorous reasoning, consider taking MA353 instead.
Weekly homework is due through Gradescope (linked in Brightspace) before class on each Wednesday. Grades and solutions will be posted on Brightspace. Late homework will not be accepted but the lowest two scores of homework will be dropped in the final grading.
All lecture notes are posted in Brighspace (content->lecturenotes). Couse schedule: